Ring ring

1.Call 123 when your are calling. just press 45
3.Note you have to press 45 before ''welcome to airtel prepaid....Etc'' instructed by system.
4.You will hear the message''welcome to world of your five.There r no member in your group to add a number press 2
5.Follow the instructions and add a number.
6.Disconnect the call n dial that number added by u in your group.
U r done.U'll be charged only 20paise per minute.
7.After it remove that number from your group by the same step 1, 2, 3 and 4.
8.For remove that number press 3 and press 0. Your specified number will be removed.
9.Add a new another number again n call at that number @ 20paise per mins
note:- sometime it takes long time so don't be hesitate and try n try.U'll able to call.